Random Radio

Time ArtistTitle Album Label
12:02pm Slap-Happy HumphreySentimental Street Chiheisen Public Bath
12:04pm Party of HelicoptersB ? Gun Court
12:07pm Bardo PondApple Eye Die Easy/Apple Eye Compulsiv Records
12:15pm Anderson, LaurieWalk the Dog Herman Upstart
12:21pm K2Part 1 Renal Ekonomix Kinky Music Institute
12:24pm Pop, IggyCold Metal Revenge Records
12:29pm Cold Harbour StoresAll that Matters Now S/T Rocket Girl
12:31pm Madder RoseI Wanna Sleep in Your Arms I Wanna Sleep in Your Arms Seed Records
12:33pm MothraPart of a Note Fun with Felt Touchy Feely Records
12:38pm MilkmoneyLeash Plumb
12:41pm Dirtbombs, theTina Louise Tina Louise Flying Bomb
12:44pm One Hit WonderBrazil Doctor Dream
12:48pm Great Gaylord, theSquat with Me Baby Squat with Gaylord Norton Records
12:51pm SnipersSuicide Shuffle Alchemy Records
12:55pm SplodgenessaboundsMorning Milky Nessabounds Decca
1:00pm Adkins, HasilSally Wally Woody Waddy Weedy Wally Sally Wally Norton Records
1:03pm N.O.T.A.Taking Away Your Rights Moscow Unclean Records
1:04pm Simple MindsA Brass Band in Africa A&M Records
1:10pm Fischer ZRight Hand Man Fischer Z Liberty Records (UK)
1:12pm Everything but the GirlOn My Mind Night and Day Cherry Red
1:15pm DymaxionThe Critic’s Darling Dymaxion Roomtone Records
1:18pm PrisonshakeThen She Prayed Rubber Records
1:23pm Woods, MitchTop O’ The Line Da Kine Top O’ The Line Da Kine Big Time Records
1:27pm Imports, theUntitled S/T Circle Records
1:33pm Bush, KateBurning Bridge EMI
1:37pm SugarburnHalfway Train Halfway Train Sonic Bubblegum
1:40pm ToursLanguage School Language School Vibraphone Records
1:43pm Marty Gras & Flamingo LightninNew Clothes-Pt. 1 New Clothes Vibraphone Records
1:46pm TuxedomoonDark Companion Dark Companion Ralph Records
1:50pm Happy Eggs, theWake Up Happy Eggs, the Vibraphone Records
1:52pm Zehn ArcharSuburbia Hard Charm City Blues Omegalpha Records
1:56pm James, BrianWhere Did I Find a Girl Like Why Why Why Illegal Records
2:00pm Vapors, TheTurning Japanese Turning Japanese United Artists
2:04pm Dr. FeelgoodPut Him Out of Your Mind Put Him Out of Your Mind United Artists
2:09pm Fragile and the EggsIf You See Kay Shanachie
2:12pm Dead Ones, theVanmakt Vanmakt Ep, the Gloom Records
2:13pm Red KrayolaChemistry Drag City
2:16pm MydollsImposter Exorcism Cia Records
2:20pm Taylor, Little JohnnyI Ask Myself a Question I Ask Myself a Question Ronn Records
2:23pm St.Joseph& the Abandoned FoodHarlequin Knights S/T Aporia Label
2:25pm SeamDays of Thunder Days of Thunder Homestead Records
2:31pm Astro ZombiesScamper Scamper Poe Records
2:34pm High Risk GroupDaddy Rolex Daddy Rolex Harriet Records
2:36pm Lee, ArthurLove Jumped Through My Window Love Jumped Through My Window/Sad Song Sundazed Records
2:40pm GirlschoolTush 1-2-3-4 Rock and Roll Bronze Records
2:43pm Wilde, KimBack Street Driver Dancing In The Dark Rak Records Ltd.
2:46pm Cosmonauts Hail SatanStacey Keach Bizarre and Tortuous Rituals O Secret Devil Records
2:51pm DaisyI Love the Smell of Flowers Planned Obsolescence
2:57pm Sam Gas CanManananggal Aswang Feeding Tube Records